Our Business
We cannot and will not start our story with the usual “back in 1900 …” or “for over 100 years …”, and this doesn’t worry us, in fact it drives us to achieve great things in the future, rather than think about the past.
The story of Poggio Amasi begins in 2016, when the Milanese family Rusconi-Clerici acquires a large abandoned olive grove in Maremma, the heart of Tuscany, with the ambition to bring it back to its flourishing and productive past.
The olive grove covers 20 hectares along a hillside exposed to the southwest, near the small medieval village of Batignano in the province of Grosseto.
The plant is traditionally Tuscan with its most characteristic cultivars, around 5000 plants mainly Frantoio, Moraiolo and Leccino.
In the first year most trees have been carefully pruned, to lighten and renew the plants, getting rid of all wood damaged by neglect.
We work with expert agronomists, who share the family’s values of care and low environmental impact. Thanks to this cooperation, we are obtaining incredibly satisfying and emotionally rewarding results.
We are in awe of how nature responds when it’s treated with respect and love.
Our aim is to produce an olive oil of the finest quality, and to achieve it we follow the strict disciplinary of the Consortium for the protection of the Tuscan extra virgin olive oil: IGP. This is a guarantee that our consumers will experience the best product on the market
Each bottle we sell is uniquely marked to guarantee the production chain, rigorously and entirely made in Tuscany.
Since nature cannot be controlled, each year is different from the previous and there are many elements which can affect quality.
After each harvest, the new oil undergoes chemical and sensory tests (official commissions authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture to taste the product); once the certification process is passed, we are sure to offer a 100% Tuscan oil, a quality well recognized all over the world!